SI Result 2023 BD Police Sub Inspector MCQ Written Viva Exam Result

si result 2023

SI (Sub Inspector) Result

Bangladesh Police Sub Inspector job exam result 2023 has published. Bangladesh police published a job circular for the post sub-inspector in 01 August 2021. According to the circular a physical test has taken in 28,29 and 30 November 2021. After successfully passed the physical test one can attend the written examination. The written exam result was held in 16,17 and 18 June, 2021 this year.

SI Written Result 2023

SI means Sub-Inspector. This is a 2nd class government job in Bangladesh. The starting basic salary for this job is 16000/-. Don’t worry, the other allowances will be added of the basic salary. Here we will discuss all the necessary topics for you. Bangladesh Police sub-inspector (unarmed) job exam result 2023 will publish in a few days. You can get this job result from our website The related topics are sub inspector result 2023, bangladesh police si job result 2023, sub inspector job result 2023, bd police si result 2023, si written exam result 2023, si result, result 2023. 

si result 2020

Sub Inspector Result 2023 Publish Date

Last Year SI written exam was held on 16, 17 and 18 June 2021. The result date is not fixed yet by BD police. So We can’t tell the exact date for this si result. But all of us predict that The result will publish in this month. Now all the examination papers are in the police headquarter. There they are checking those khata exactly. After completing this work they publish si exam result. So you have to be patient.

A-Z About Sub Inspector Examination BD

First one have to face a physical test in the si exam. This year the physical test took place on 28, 29, 30 April 2021. After completing this stage one can sit to the written exam. Written exam took place on 16, 17, 18 June 2021. Viva result will publish on February 2023.

Physical test Requirement

General                             : (Male) Age : 19-27 year, Height: 5’4’’
Freedom fighter (Male)    : Age: 19-32 year, Height: 5’4’’
General                             : (Female) Age: 19-27 year, Height: 5’2’’
Freedom fighter (Female) : Age: 19-32 year, Height: 5’2’’

physical requirement for si job 2019

Written Exam subjects and marks

  1. English and Bangla Composition – 100 marks
  2. General Knowledge and Arithmetic – 100 marks
  3. Mental Skill – 25 marks

SI Result 2023

All the passed candidates in written examination called for viva exam. Date and time of the exam will be reported in time. You have to go with formal dress in viva exam. They ask you anything there. So you have to be confident about yourself. 

Si result is here


Health Test and VR form fill up

The next stage is health test after the viva voice exam. All passed candidates have to fill up the VR form which is given by the authority.

Final Selection

After completing all the steps you you will be selected as CSI (Cadet Sub Inspector). You will appoint for Bangladesh police as a trainee sub inspector.

Training Period

After final selection you have to go to Bangladesh Police Academy, Sarda, Charghat, Rajshahi for 01 year basic training. They provide you all the necessary thing like food, dress, shelter, health and medical etc. In this one year they will teach you PT, Parade and Law.

si training period

SI Exam Result PDF

We will provide the pdf of the si result after publishing by the authority. So you have to wait for the result publish date. on this date we will update this post with the pdf of sub inspector written exam result. Result will publish in our website Notun Sokaal and the Bangladesh Police official website Stay with us for this result.

Click to Download Result Here

Inspector General of Bangladesh Police (IG) Dr. Mohammad Javed Patwary says that this si circular must complete legally. So don’t worry, just do all the exam well so that you will be appointed.

In conclusion, we want to tell you that you have to be confident about yourself and stay strong. If you have any question about this job then comment on this post. We are here for helping you. ]