BTEB Result 2023 PDF Diploma Result

Bangladesh Technical Education Board (BTEB) has published their result of some important courses. Their main courses are diploma in engineering, diploma in medical, diploma in agriculture, diploma in textile, Diploma in forestry, Certificate of marine trade etc. Students are also admitted in their SSC and HSC courses.

BTEB is a govt educational organization. Bangladesh Technical Education Board the authority published Vocational, BM and Diploma in Engineering examination result in 10 February 2023. As a result, all the students are waiting for this bteb result 2023. How to get your bteb diploma result pdf? Don’t worry our website helps the students providing this result.

BTEB Result 2023 Date

There are different types of courses are organized by BTEB. So a large number of students are there.  All the diploma courses are stopped for the bad situation of Bangladesh. Now the authority has decided to publish all the bteb diploma result 2023. The date has fixed by the bteb authority.

The result will publish on 10 February 2023 Wednesday. So Students are now searching for the diploma result under BTEB. This is not the official date but it is 90% chance to publish the result on 10/02/2023. As a result, students have to know the process of downloading their bteb result pdf. So let’s start our main discussion.

BTEB Diploma Result 2023

Bangladesh Technical Education Board (BTEB) always publish their diploma result in pdf. The BTEB authority publish all the diploma result on their official website But we also publish the bteb result pdf in our educational website So you can collect & download your diploma result 2023 pdf from our website easily.

You can get your result from our website but we also show you how to download the result from the official website of BTEB? All the students use smartphones in this digital age. As a result they can download the bteb result pdf from their mobile phone by using the internet. If you use internet then follow the steps below to download the bteb diploma result from the official website.

  • Firstly, go to the official website of BTEB as
  • If the 1st link doesn’t work then follow the Alternate Link
  • Then Find the Current Result option & click on the Diploma Result
  • Now click on the result pdf of your course
  • Download the pdf file of this result
  • Finally, find your roll number in this pdf


I think you have understood the online methods of downloading bteb diploma result online. But the official server may down by the huge traffic at a time. Meanwhile, We have already published the result in our website. Just follow us and read this article till the end to get your bteb diploma result.

Diploma Result 2023

BTEB run different types of course. The diploma course is one of them. There are a total of 57,780 students are studying in diploma courses under Bangladesh Technical Education Board in 49 Govt polytechnic institutes. They have also 64 govt Schools and Colleges for SSC and HSC sessions. Now we will upload the result pdf according to your course.

Their courses are diploma in engineering, diploma in medical, diploma in agriculture, diploma in textile, Diploma in forestry, Certificate of marine trade etc. We will publish all the diploma result PDF here. Diploma of all coursed result will publish today. We will upload the pdf of this result here.

Diploma in Engineering Result

If you are a student of diploma in engineering under bteb then this paragraph is only for you. This is the most popular diploma course of BTEB. There are a total of 8th semester in diploma engineering. All the semester result stopped from the year 2021. Now Authority will publish Diploma in engineering 4th 5th 6th 7th & 8th-semester result at a time. Download your Diploma result PDF here.

Download PDF

BTEB Result 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th Semester

All semester results were stopped by the authority. As a result, 4th 5th 6th 7th & 8th-semester students are eagerly waiting for their result. We will upload the pdf of all semester bteb diploma result in this paragraph. Just you need to click on your semester link to get bteb result.

2nd Semester Result

4th Semester Result

6th Semester Result

8th Semester Result Diploma Result

Students are searching for the official website of BTEB. That’s why they search for this keyword. Because their official website is This year bteb examination started on 06 February 2023 and ended on 11 March 2023. The practical exam was held on 10 March to 16 March 2023. But due to the vital situation, the authority didn’t publish the result in time.

As a result, they will publish the result today. But you can get the bteb diploma result not only from the official website but also from our education website here. result will available here after 4PM today. So be patient for your diploma result and stay with us.

You can See: BTEB Routine 2023, BOU BA BSS Exam Routine 2023

Final Words

In conclusion, You have been able to get this bteb diploma result from our website You can the result pdf after publishing on the official website. So you have to wait for your diploma result. We also publish BTEB other courses results like SSC, HSC & BM. Finally, Thanks for reading our article.