CAAB Security Operator Result 2023 MCQ Exam Result

Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh job result has been published.  The result was published today.  if you took part in the examination then this post is only for you. We will also provide the Caab job exam question solution. So let’s start the important article for you.

CAAB job & exam details

A few days ago a circular was published by the authority. in this circular they give the demand of some people. Here we show you a summary of this job. If you filled up the job application form in time you can sit for the examination on this fixed date. Before examination, you must download the admit card from an online teletalk website.

  • Authority:  Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh (CAAB)
  • Total post: 01
  • The demand of people: 
  • Salary: According to the job circular
  • Circular published date: 15/05/2023
  • Application start date:18/05/2023 at 10:00 AM
  • application ine date: 07/06/2023 at 05:00 PM
  • job exam date: 01,02/10/2023 at 03:00 to 04:00 PM
  • Exam type:  MCQ

CAAB Security Operator result 2023

Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh job exam held on 01st October, 2023. If you have participated in this test of CAAB the result-getting method is yours. The written exam was held at 03:00 to 04:00 PM on this date. So all the applicants are eagerly waiting for the Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh (CAAB) job result. So follow us by this article.

We have upload the pdf file of caab security operator result 2023. The resutl was published on 01 October 10:00 PM on the official website. We upload this result on the same time in our job and education related website So you can easily get you caab result here.

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NSI Result 2023