NU Honours 1st Year Result 2023 NU Exam Marksheet Download

nu honours 1st year result 2023 – honours 1st year result just have published today. Always nu honors 1st year Result has published by the National University (NU) authority. This year the examination completed on 26 September 2023. This result is basically for the regular session 2018-2019 and also the irregular session 2014-15, 2015-16. The hole task was completed, so after a few days later the result will publish. You can get this from our Educational website  Stay with us for your results.

NU Honours 1st Year Result 2023 Publish Date

In this year, nu honors 1st year examination started from 01 August 2023 and this exam ended at 26 September 2023. National University generally publish their result within 03 months of the exam end. So it is easy to say that the result will publish on the last week of December. all of us are eagerly waiting for the result. To get the result quickly share this post on facebook so that you can get the result fast

NU Honours 1st Year Exam Result 2023

Bangladesh is a digital country. All results of nu public examination are now published in online. Likewise, Our education system has changed a lot with the help of modern technology. Our government is very aware of educational digitization. There are some website for serving Degree result very quickly. Here you can get the result also our website help you to get the result.

Honours 1st year result 2023 with Marksheet

We are here to help you collecting honors 1st year Result 2019-2023 with Marksheet from this post. Read this post very carefully and get your honors 1st year Markshit. Follow these steps one by one and you will get your Result with marksheet.

There are total 4 lakh 6 thousand 835 students who have filled the form for participating in the Honors 1st year examination 2023. Among them 2 lakh 96 thousand 628 students are regular and the number of irregular students is 19 thousand 50 students. So a huge number of students are waiting for the honours 1st year exam. As a result, we help you collecting honours 1st year exam result 2023.

  • Go to
  • Choose honors from the “Search” option
  • Choose 1st year

honors 1st year result 2018

  • Now select Individual Result
  • Type your honours 1st year registration number and Pass Year in next two boxes
  • Solve the capcha by entering the code and click the “Search Result” button
  • And lastly You have done…

This is honours 1st year online result system. Sometimes National University official website can’t run their services because of huge traffic. So if the method doesn’t work don’t think it is impossible. Try and try several times to get your honors exam result.

Honours 1st Year Result By Mobile SMS

All the mobile operators in Bangladesh support this SMS service to find the National University honours result. Getting honors 1st year Result by mobile SMS is very easy. There is no extra charge for this service. But only standard SMS charge is applicable to get this service. Using the mobile SMS option you can get National University honors 1st year or all year result 2019. First ensure that you have enough balance in your phone than go to your mobile message option and type the followings:

NU <space> HON <space> reg. no. or roll number and send this message to 16222.

National University honors 1st year Result: National University published honors 1st year result on their official website National University honors 1st year result also find on my website. You can get always the update information in our website if you want just visit my website then you get your National University honors 1st year result 2023.

Honours 1st Year Grading System

Honours is a 04 years course. This is the first year result. Many of us having their result and think what is my grade point? They can’t find out their average  point. So we have decided to help you find your grade point. How to know grading system for Honors?

According to the national university result system your grade point depends on your subject wise marks. First find out your grade point with your subject wise marks from the below table.

Numerical GradeLetter Grade(LG)Grade point(Gp)
80% or aboveA+ (Plus)4.00
75% to less than 80%A (Plain)3.75
70% to less than 75%A- (Minus)3.50
65% to less than 70%B+ (plus)3.25
60% to less than 65%B (Plain)3.00
55% to less than 60%B- (Minus)2.75
50% to less than 55%C+ (Plus)2.50
45% to less than 50%C (Plain)2.25
40% to less than 45%D (Plain)2.00
<40%(less than 40%)F (Fail)0.00

You need to get at least 40% marks to pass the honors 1st-year result 2023.

GPA and CGPA evaluation for Honours

GPA=Total point secure in a year ÷ Total earned credits

CGPA={TPS of(1st+2nd+3rd year+4th)+Earned Grade Points}÷Total number of credits completed in the whole program

each student’s main goal in the honors examination is to ensure the best results. They work hard to do well in this examination. In this year the compulsory subject is English. So everyone should keep in mind to work hard for English. is a website where you would get all kinds of Exam Results, Exam Routines, Educational information, and all-new bangle SMS. We always provide a quality post for the students. I think Students will benefit from it. So keep your eye on our website and stay with us.