ssc english suggestion 2023 1st paper – all of know that how important the subject English is! In secondary school certificate examination English is one of the difficult subject. We think a short suggestion can make it easy.
SSC English 1st Paper suggestion 2023
This year SSC examination start on 03 February 2023. According to SSC routine 2023 English first paper exam will hold on 06 February this year. I think all of you have completed your syllabus properly. None the less we help you giving a short and common English 1st paper suggestion 2023.
Suggestion for SSC Examination 2023
English First Paper
First Comprehension: (Seen) The following passages mentioned below from the text book are important as first comprehension for the final exam. The number of the units and lessons are given respectively. Candidates are suggested to go through the passages carefully.
- Unit – 1 Lesson – 1 *** Can you live alone?
- Unit – 3 Lesson -2,3,5,6 ** May Day, * *International Mother Lang Day, ** Independence day, ** Pahela Baishakh
- Unit – 5 Lesson – 1,3 ** The greed of the roaring river, *** Man and climate
- Unit – 7 Lesson-1 *** Zainul Abedin, the great artist
- Unit – 8 Lesson – 1 ** The shat Gambuj Mosque
- Unit – 10 Lesson – 4 *** They had dreams 2
- Unit – 11 Lesson – 2 ** Renewable energy sources
- Unit – 12 Lesson – 1,3 ** My roots, The return of the native.
- Unit – 13 Lesson – 2 *** Social network services.
Second Comprehension: (Seen)
- Unit – 2 Lesson – 1(C) *** Yoga is a kind of ——
- Unit -3 Lesson -2 (B) ** May Day or International Language Day —
- Unit – 3 Lesson – 5(B) 6 ** 26 March, our —-, *** Pahela Baishakh
- Unit – 5 Lesson – 3 *** Humans can neither —–
- Unit – 8 Lesson – 4 *** Lake Baikal is the deepest —-
- Unit – 11 Lesson – 3 ** Countries of the world rely —–
- Unit – 13 Lesson – 1(c) *** Let’s imagine a citizen —–
SSC English Suggestion
Third Comprehension: (Unseen)
- Hazrat Ali was born on 20 September ——***
- Stephen Hawking is considered ——- ***
- John Milton was a great poet after William Shakespeare —– ***
- Charles Babbage —– **
- Begum Sufia Kamal, a poetess —–
- Neil a. Armstrong commanded the —-
- Shere-E-Bangla is one of the popular leaders **
- The first president of the United States of America –—-
- Mother Teresa is a dedicated soul —– **
- Albert Einstein was one of the greatest —–
Paragraph Writing:
- *** Your school magazine
- *** Traffic jam / Road accidents
- *** A rainy day
- *** Climate change / Environmental pollution
- * * * The life of a day laborer
- * * Load shedding
- * * Tree plantation
- ** Food adulteration (The paragraphs selected in the first paper should be revised for second paper)
Completing Story
- *** 1. The golden touch
- *** 2. Dress does not make a man great
- *** 3. The liar cowboy
- *** 4. The greedy farmer and the goose ** (The story may not be common in the ex
- *** 5. The devotion of Bayzid
- * * 6. The wood cutter and the ax
- ** 7. Unity is the strength
- ** 8. Who will bell the cat
- * 9. The story of a clever fox
- *10. The foolish crow and the clever fox / The thirsty crow
- *11. An honest rickshaw puller
- * 12. The story of Robert Bruce
SSC English First Paper Suggestion 2023
Describing graphs / charts:
- ***1. The graph below shows the comparative selling rates of different types of books in a book fair. Now describe the chart in your own words.
- ***2. Look at the following graph. It shows the literacy rate of Bangladesh indifferent years. Describe the chart.
- ***3. The graph below shows the choice of profession by different educated people. You should highlight and summaries the information given in the graph.
- ***4. The graph below shows “The number of people living below the poverty line from 1995 to 2010”. Describe the graph in 120 words. You should highlight and summarize the information given in the graph.
- * *5. The graph below shows “The Population Growth rate in Bangladesh” from 2009 to Now describe the chart in your own words.
- * *6. The graph below shows the results of young people‘s changing attitude to past times. Describe the chart in 150 words.
- **7. The graph below shows the population growth rate of Bangladesh from 2009 to 2014 (number of people living below the poverty line). Now describe the chart.
SSC English Common Suggestions
Informal letters:
- ***1. Write a letter to your friend about your intention after the SSC Exam./describing your future plan of life.
- ***2. Write a letter to your father informing him about your preparation of S.S.C Exam.
- ***3. Write a letter to your friend advising him to read the newspaper / give up smoking.
- **4. Write a letter to your pen friend describing your country and her people.
- * *5. Write a letter to your friend describing the co-curricular of your school.
- * *6. Write a letter to your friend describing the rize giving ceremony of your school.
- *7. Suppose your friend is fond of eating “junk food”. You know that it is not good for health . Now write a letter informing him about the bad effects of eating junk food.
- ***1. Make a dialogue between two friends about how to eradicate illiteracy from the country.
- ***2. Make a dialogue between a doctor and patient in the doctor’s chamber.
- ***3. Make a dialogue between two friends about the use & abuse of mobile phone/facebook.
- **4. Make a dialogue between two friends about the choice of career.
- **5. Make a dialogue between two friends about benefits of reading newspaper / Tree plantation / Physical exercise.
- **6. About the causes of failure of English /importance of learning English.
In conclusion, we want to say you that we try our best to decorate this SSC English suggestion in short and include some important questions. We think Students can get better preparation in English by this suggestions.