SSC ICT MCQ Answer 2023 ICT Exam Question Solution

ssc ict mcq answer 2023 ICT MCQ Answer 2023 – Exam Question Solution

ICT Answer 2023

Today all SSC Candidates are completed their ICT exam. So, after exam they want to know the right answer of MCQ Question. Therefore , you need a Question Solution. However, we always try to share right answer for the Students. So, read my article properly.

SSC ICT MCQ Answer 2023

Information Communication And Technology in short term ICT. We live in the age of science. So , science gives us many important things. However , we can not think a day without scince. Besides Technology gives us much advantages in our dailly life. So , it is crying need for our life. So we can not think a single day without ict. Therefore we use it in every sector of our life. Specially in our Education ICT is very important. ICT is the Complousary subject for SSC candidates.

SSC ICT MCQ Question Solve 2023

Though ICT is your Complousary subject, the exam will take through sms. So, today all of you have completed your ICT Exam with a good Preparation. Though you have completed it, you have some doubt with your MCQ Question. So, I will clear your doubt by giving accurate MCQ Question Solution. As a result, you can guess your Result in this subject.

ICT MCQ Question Solution 2023

According to Education board syllabus ICT Exam will taken with 50 marks. 25 Marks in MCQ . On the other hand , 25 marks with practical. So you must need the Question Solution of ICT .

ICT MCQ Answer All Boards

Though Bangladesh is a developing country, it has a huge population. Our government are trying to develop our country. So they want to make our country Digital. Without ICT we can not bulid a digital nation. As a result, they try to reach ICT Basic among our students. For this cause ICT is added with SSC Subjects.


There are 9 education board in Bangladesh. All SSC activites are done by our education Department. At first they published an Exam Routine. Then they will try to take the Exam with timetable. Though all boards exam routine are same, all board questions are not same. Each board has their own question paper. Finally I am going to share all boards ICT MCQ answer. So , do not go anywhere stay with us.

ICT MCQ Answer 2023 Rajshahi Board

very year SSC Exam begins on February. So this year SSC Exam began on February. Students of our country are participated SSC Exam 2023 under different boards. Rajshahi is one of them. However, it is famous for education. This year millions of candidates are participated SSC Exam under Rajshahi Board. If you are searching Rajshahi Board ICT Question solution, you must stay with us.

Dhaka Board ICT MCQ Answer 2023

This year the highest candidates are participated under Dhaka Board. So, today all the students completed ICT Exam. However, Dhaka boards students are very sharp. If you are a candidate of Dhaka Board , you can get your ICT Exam Question solution.


Sylhet Board MCQ Answer

Sylhet is a beautiful city. Other hand it is also called second London. Candidates under Sylhet Board are very talent. So they also have completed their ICT exam. As a result ,you need a Sylhet Board ICT MCQ Answer. At last see the picture.

Comilla Board MCQ Soloution 2023

Today a large number of candidates completed their exam under Comilla Board. So they have some doubts with his question paper. Speacially they are searching ICT question Answer. So I will give you SSC ICT MCQ Answer 2023. So do not go anywhere. At last see the picture.

Chittagong Board Question Answer

Few years ago Chottogram Board is called Chittagong. So many students take participate in SSC 2023 Exam. They completed their exam today. So they need MCQ answer of ICT. As a result I want to give you Chittagong Board MCQ answer ICT. Finally see the picture.

Barishal Board MCQ Answer 2023

If you are a candidates from Barishal Board, I will try to give your Bangla 2nd part MCQ Answer. ICT exam held today. So you need ICT question Answer.

Mymensingh Board Question Answer 2023

Mymensingh is new established education board. But this board student is very intelligent. So they need MCQ Answer 2023 ICT. See below there i give your soloution mcq ICT.

Jessore Board ICT MCQ Answer 2023

Every year many students take part in SSC Exam under Jessore Board. Today they completed ICT exam. So they are searching ICT Question Answer 2023. As a result you need soloution. Here i come with your Jessore Board ICT MCQ Answer. Please wait for update.

Dinajpur Board ICT Question Answer

Finally i want to share Dinajpur Board ICT Question Answer. Do not go any where see there i give your question solution.

Madrasa Board ICT Solution With MCQ Question Answer

Every year lots of student are participated SSC Dakhil Exam under Madrasa Board. So today they also completed their SSC ICT Exam. As a Dakhil Candidates you must need your ICT MCQ Question Answers. Therefore I will give you Dakhil ICT Question Solution.

Importance of ICT

Information Communication And Technology plays a great impact in our daily life. Therefore, we can not stay a moment without ICT. Besides our government try to build a Digital Nation. So it is our duty to read ICT Properly and help the government to build a Digital Bangladesh. So you must read ICT properly.
At the end of article I suggest you to read the ICT Subject. Because it is not an easy subject. So you will try to read it properly. At last best wishes for your exam. Stay with us to get all subjects question answers.

Why you need MCQ solution?

We want to do a good figure in our SSC exam. Only written exam cannot give you a good result. To make a good result in no need MCQ exam good. Actually it will give you much advantage. As a result you can easily make a good result. At first I want to tell you that MCQ exam has taken with 30 marks. Each question bears 1 marks there will be 30 MCQ and you need to answer all the questions. If questions bear one mark. If a candidate give wrong answer , his marks will be cut from he is right answers mark.

So you must be careful when you answered MCQ questions. MCQ is very important reason for a student. It has a student to get a good result in the exam. Education board has taken different type of exam. SSC exam is one of them. According to previous year servey we see that education board changed some policy. You know that nowadays mcq exam will take at first. But it started 1 year ago. Before approved this exam policy written exam will take at first. There was a reason for this change. Our government want to stop question out. It thinks with this policy they can stop question out

In Conclusion I want to notify you that, if you want to get all boards all subjects question answers. So you must visit our website. We always try to give your questions solution accurately. As a result, it is very helpful for you. Thank You. You must visit our website to get all boards question solution.