SSC Result Marksheet 2023 bd

SSC Result 2023 will publish today at 12 PM. If you are looking for the SSC Exam Result Marksheet 2023 then this article is only for you. All the education board has completed their ssc exam in time. Now they are trying to make market for each student. So the result will publish in a few days.

We have published all the news of ssc exam 2023. In this article, we have discussed about SSC result date, ssc result kobe dibe? how to download SSC result marksheet from the official website? Therefore, you have to read our full article to know the methods of getting ssc result 2023 marksheet.

Firstly all the students get only the GPA. Then they want to check the subject-wise marks and points. Many of the students don’t know the system of checking ssc subject-wise result. Each subject contains 5 points. I think all the students know about the grading system. So I don’t want to discuss this topic.

SSC Result Date 2023

The result will be supposed to be published one month after the end of the examination. But the authority doesn’t complete their workings. So they don’t publish the result in time. But there is secret news that results were published between 28-31 December 2023. This is not the official news.

Generally, SSC result publish after 3 months of the end of the examination. But this year this exam and result date are totally different from the other year. Because this year the exam has taken in a short syllabus. So the authority has taken the decision to publish the result in a short time. The SSC Result may publish on 30 December.

SSC Result Marksheet 2023

After publishing SSC result all the students are searching for the marksheet. But the question is how to download ssc result marksheet? Don’t worry, we are coming with easy methods of getting ssc result mark sheet for the 2226113 students and their guardians. We will show the online and offline result-checking system.

SSC and equivalent examinations started on 14th November all over the country. The exam started at 10 am and ended at 11:30 am. The total number of candidates in the secondary school certificate examination this year was 22 lakh 26 thousand 113. Last year this number was 20 lakh 46 thousand 69 students.

As a result, the number of SSC exam candidates has increased to 1 lakh 69 thousand 334 people. Apart from Bangladesh, 429 candidates from eight countries were taking part in the test. The nine centers outside the country are Jeddah, Riyadh, Tripoli, Doha, Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Bahrain, Saham in Oman, and Athens in Greece.


First of all, everybody has to check their ssc result marksheet 2023 from the official website. There are two official website for checking ssc marksheet and subject wise marks. The websites are and We will show you two types of methods here. So let’s start.

  • Firstly, open an internet browser
  • Then go to the official website as
  • If the link doesn’t work then click on the Alternate Link
  • In this page, select the examination option as SSC/Dakhil
  • Select your ssc examination year as 2023
  • Select your own education board
  • Write your Roll and Registration Number correctly
  • Then solve an easy math and input the math result
  • Finally click on the Submit Button.


Web Based SSC Result 2023

This is another official website of the education board Bangladesh. Students can also get ssc result marksheet with number from this website. Students can also get ssc marksheet without the registration number. If the first method doesn’t work then you can try this website. This is too easy to check ssc result marksheet through this official website.

Sometimes due to the over traffic, the official 1st website doesn’t work properly. Even the website may be crashed. That time students can check their ssc result through this website. Please check your result on the result date after 12 PM. Therefore follow the steps below.

  • Firstly, go to the main website as
  • If the link doesn’t work then go to the Alternate Link.
  • Then select SSC/Dakhil/Equivalent from the Examination option.
  • Select your examination year as 2023
  • Choose your Education Board
  • Also, choose the result type as Individual Result
  • Write down your Roll and Registration Number correctly
  • Input the 4 digit security key which shows on the image.
  • If you don’t understand the key then click on reload option and try again.
  • Finally, Click on the Get Result Button



SSC Result SMS 2023

On the main time of the result, The official website server may have down due to over visitors. As a result, online methods don’t work. Likewise, you can’t check the ssc result online. That time, Students have to use this sms system to get this ssc result gpa. Just you need to send a sms to check your result.

  • Open your mobile message option
  • Type a SMS as SSC <space> First 3 letter of your Board Name <space> Roll <space> 2023
  • SMS format is “SSC DHA 214365 2023”
  • Finally send the sms to 16222 number
Name of Board3 Letter code
Sylhet Board SSC ResultSYL
Dhaka Board SSC Result 2023DHA
Rajshahi Board SSC ResultRAJ
Jessore Board SSC ResultJES
Comilla Board SSC ResultCOM
Chittagong Board SSC ResultCHI
Barisal Board SSC ResultBAR
Dinajpur Board SSC ResultDIN
Madrasah Board SSC ResultMAD
Technical Board SSC ResultTEC

Total amount of 2226113 students are searching for the ssc result with marksheet. Therefore, I think this article help the students to get their result easily. Not only for the ssc result students can check their total gpa through this ssc result post. So share this article on facebook for helping your friends.