SSC Result 2023 Marksheet (All Education Board)

SSC Result 2023 Marksheet (All Education Board)

SSC Exam Result 2023 along with Marksheet has been uploaded on our website for all Boards. Today the SSC result has been published. Since this year the examination is conducted on a short syllabus, the pass rate is 100% in each section. This year around 5 lakh students from all over Bangladesh participated in the SSC exam. And according to the pass rate, everyone has passed this exam. And a total of 1 lakh 84 thousand 460 people got GPA 5 in SSC exam this year.

Today as the SSC exam results will be released, students are eagerly waiting for their results. SSC exam result will be declared after 2 pm. So Ami exam candidates can collect their results at 2 PM.

SSC Exam Result Date

SSC exam 2023 is already completed. As a result, SSC Candidates Waiting for the Result. As the exam is over in the first week of October 2023, all the candidates want to know their exam result release date. The exam result release date has not been released on the Ahsan website yet. But all board exam results are released within 60 to 100 days. But due to the delay in the SSC exam, the result of the exam will be released this time. It is known that the result of SSC exam will be declared within 30 to 60 days this year. So according to the instructions we can say that the result of SSC exam can be declared on the 28th of November.


SSC Result with Marksheet

If you are an SSC candidate? And looking for ssc exam result but still not able to download result. Also you want to download SSC exam result with marksheet? Then there is no reason to worry. Because you have come to the right website. Because from here you can know about all the detailed information including SSC exam result download. Moreover, you can download SSC results and marksheets from eight education boards of Bangladesh. How to download result with marksheet from our website? Moreover, how to get SSC exam result 2023 online. That matter has been discussed in detail. So all the students who appeared in SSC exam from different books and want carefully read the rules of the article today.

বাংলাদেশের সকল শিক্ষা বোর্ডের এস এম এস রেজাল্ট কোড নং

Dhaka Board SSC Result 2023– DHA

Rajshahi Board SSC Result 2023 -RAJ

Dinajpur Board SSC Result 2023 -DIN

Sylhet Board SSC Result 2023 – SYL

Comilla Board SSC Result 2023 – COM

Chittagong Board SSC Result 2023 – CHI

Barisal Board SSC Result 2023 – BAR

Jessore Board SSC Result 2023 – JES

Madrasah Board SSC Result 2023 -MAD

SSC Result Marksheet 2023

We are here to help you collecting SSC Result 2023 with Marksheet and SSC exam result 2023 number from this post. Read this post very carefully and collect your SSC Marksheet of the result of 2023. You know about 20,47, 779 students took part in the SSC examinations. Among these candidates, 10,24,363 are Male and 10,23,416 are Female. The examinations hold at 3,512 centers in 28,884 institutions.

SSC Result MarkSheet 2023 – Around 1 million 9 Thousands & 745 Hundreds students got GPA 5 in the year of 2021. This year SSC and equivalent exam result is 82.17% pass out of 100% in all educational boards. Total 1 Lakh 22 Thousands & 09 Hundreds students gets GPA 5 in this year 2023. Last year 2021 SSC and equivalent exam result was 81.61% pass out of 100% in all educational boards. This year passing percent & total GPA 5 both is increasing.

SSC Result 2023 markshit

First Method

যদি First method এ কাজ না হয় তবে Second Method দেখুন

Firstly: Go to

Secondly: Choose SSC from “Examination” option

Thirdly: Choose 2023 as your examination year


Fourthly: Now select your board name

Fifthly: Write your SSC Roll and registration number in two boxes

Sixthly: Solve security math and press “Submit” button

And lastly You have done….

If you don’t understand then watch this video

SSC Web Based Result Marksheet

Students can get their SSC Result in Web Based System. SSC result with markshit only available on Education board official website. There are two web based official website of Bangladesh Education. one is and the other is Here show you how to get ssc result from those websites easily. So let’s start.

Firstly we will show ssc results from which is one of the educational website in our country Bangladesh.You can easily get JSC/SSC/HSC and Equivalent results from this website. So without talking extra’s let’ start following some steps below to get your ssc resalts.


  1. Firstly, manage a internet enable device and insure that you device is connected with internet.
  2. Secondly, Open a internet browser you may like.
  3. Thirdly, In the address bar type the url of Education Board Results Website Here you will see some options.
  4. Fourthly, Select ‘SSC/HSC/JSC/Equivalent Result’ from the options and click on this. Here you can see 04 options.
  5. Fifthly, Fill up all the options. In the examination option select ‘SSC/Dakhil/Equivalent’.
  6. Sixthly, Input your Examination year and Board name in the next 02 boxes. Then select ‘Individual Result’ from the Result Type option. After selecting this option you can see two extra options like Roll and Registration option.
  7. Seventhly, Type your SSC Roll and Registration number in the boxes correctly.
  8. Lastly, Solve the Security Key and put this on the proper place.
  9. Finally, Click on the “Get Result” button. Strongly hope that your ssc result marksheet is in front of you.


SSC Exam Result by Mobile SMS

As soon as the results are released, students start searching for their results online. But as soon as the results were published, the official websites became so busy that students failed to check their results online. As a result, many cannot see their SSC Exam Result 2023 immediately. But there is no reason to worry about this. Because you can check SSC result online as well. But to check SSC result without online the rules you need to follow are given below. Check how you can check your SSC result through SMS.

  • First you need to go to SMS option on mobile
  • Go to SMS option and write SSC
  • Give space and enter the board code like- DHA
  • Again give a space and enter roll number:- 124578
  • And send it to this number:-16222

Example :- SSC<space>DHA<space>124578 and send now:- 16222

SSC  DHA  124578 and send :- 16222

If you are an SSC candidate then hopefully you can download your result very easily by following the above rules. Also can say that if you can’t download your SSC result online then you can check the result through SMS.

SSC Result GPA 2023 – Grading System

It is very easy to get GPA (Grade Point Average) but you have to know the grading system of ssc examination result. Sometimes students do well in the exam but total GPA is not so good. That time you must calculate your whole point. It may mistake so you should calculate your average grade point. Here we show you how to check ssc result gpa.

Firstly, you have to know about the grade point. There are total of seven types of grade point. among these grade point one is fail and the others are pass. If your mark is 0-32 then your result will come fail. So your marks must achieve above 32 marks in every subjects. Therefore the pass mark is 33. if your mark is over 80 then your result is A+. Here is the ssc result grade point and grading systems.


SSC Result Dhaka Education Board

All the SSC candidates who participated in the 2023 exam under Dhaka Board. They can download their SSC Exam Result now. Because the SSC result is already published online. So all the candidates who appeared in the SSC exam but have not seen your result yet can collect their result. But there are many who worry about how to get their results.

There is no reason for them to worry because today’s article will show you how to check Dhaka Board SSC Exam Result. And how to get SSC result through SMS has been discussed in detail. So you can check your result only if you follow the above rules.

Comilla Board SSC Result

Many students search different places about Comilla Board SSC Exam Result Check Rules. You can check SSC exam result with marksheet from our website. Because today’s article discusses how to get SSC result 2023. Along with that, the rules for getting results through SMS have been highlighted. So if you are an SSC candidate and want to download your result then today’s article is right for you to get your result. So check your result now without delay.

Some Important Questions from SSC Students and it’s Answers

01. How many Students took part in ssc examination 2023?

Answer : About 1,635,240 students took part in ssc exam.

02. SSC Result 2023 Kobe Dibe? or When will publish ssc result 2023?

Answer : SSC Resalt 2023 will publish on the 1st week of May.

03. How to get ssc result 2023? or how to find ssc result 2023?

Answer : There are some easy methods of getting ssc result which has shown here below.

04. How to get ssc result 2023 marksheet?

Answer : You can get ssc resalt maksheet on online from the official website of Education Board.

SSC Board Challenge 2023 Application

Worried about SSC Exam Recheck Result Application? Many students results are not satisfactory. For this students can apply board challenge within specified time. If the board challenges, students have a chance to change their results. So if you are a candidate for SSC exam and any error is found in your result then you have to apply board challenge within the specified time. If you do not apply within that time, your application will not be accepted later.

Read our next article to know more about it. And those candidates who did not get the correct information about their SSC result, they can download all the result related information from here. Moreover, since all the rules of the results are detailed here. So hopefully you won’t have any difficulty in getting results from here. So SSC candidates can check their 2023 SSC Result from here. Today’s article will help you a lot to get results.

The results of every education board in Bangladesh are published. So you can collect the results of SSC candidates all over Bangladesh at the same time. Moreover we can say that as many people are not aware about the rules of seeing the results, today’s article will help them properly.

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