SSC Result Mymensingh Board

SSC Result 2023 Mymensingh Board

SSC Result 2023 Mymensingh Board

Secondary school certificate exam 2023 has finished now. As a SSC Candidate you are mostly waiting for your SSC Result 2023. In addition i come in front of you with SSC Result 2023 Mymensingh Board.

SSC Result 2023 Mymensingh Board Result Publish Date

I think all of you have given a good examination. Due to Dhaka City Election SSC Exam 2023 began later than previous year. But our education ministry will not late to publish the result. Though we have not get an accurate date, we only guess a date. According to previous some year survey we see that SSC Exam result always published on the first week of May. And we also know that our Education Ministry Of Bangladesh takes 3 months to publish the result. So, we have a fresh idea that SSC Result 2023 will publish on May 7, 2023.


Now i want to tell you Mymensingh Board SSC result 2023. As a Mymensingh Board student you must want to know about the result publish date. Not only students but also their parents are waiting to know the result publish date. Since all education board exam has taken with a same timetable, all education boards results will publish in a same day. Without any doubt we say that Mymensingh Board SSC Result will publish on May 7, 2023.

Mymensingh Education Board

Our government is trying to reach the light of education everywhere. So, in this goal they have divided our country with 8 education boards. Mymensingh Education Board is one of them. It is a newly established education board. Before that the education boards all activities are controlled by the Dhaka Education Board. The journey of Mymensingh Boards began in 2023. A huge number of candidates took part in SSC Exam 2023 this year. But the education board has a good educational background. In this paragraph i will give you some necessary information about Mymensingh Education Board.

Board Name : Myemensingh

Short Code : MYM

Total Candidates : 184,290

Male Candidates : 92,134

Female Candidates : 105,245

Total School and Colleges : 654

Official Website :

Education Board Result Publish Process

At first the authority will fix an exam result publish date. They will call a press conference and announced the result publish date officially. All TV and Newspaper reporter will publish the date from their websites and channels. On the result publish day our country will look a festival look. Not only candidates but also all their parents will waiting for the results.

At first all education boards results will collect together. Then the education board head will hand over the result sheet with our Honorable Education Ministry. After that our education ministry will call a press conference. Further education Ministry will take over the result with our Honorable Prime Ministry. Then the result will publish among the reporters. All reporters will publish all boards passing rate on their channels and papers. After that candidates will able to see the result. If you will try to see the result before 12 pm, you can not see your result. So, you have to wait till than 12 pm.

Mymensingh Board SSC Result Checking Process

If you are a candidate , you must have to know the result checking process. If you don’t have any idea about this, no problem. I am here to help you. Now i will give you the right instruction to check the result. By using those process ,you can check your result.

There are some process to check the result, we will discuss all process. Some process are easy. On the other hand some process are hard.So, you can see your result by using two process.

01. Online Process

02. Offline Process

01. Online process

We live in Digital Bangladesh. Our government are trying to digital our country with ICT, Specially our education is developing day by day. Without internet we can not develop our education. So, our education ministry is trying to share all activities through internet. If you want to see your result, you will try online process. Because it is an easy and cheap process. So, lets talk about this.

Mymensingh Board Result Through official website

You can check your result through online. If you want to get your result,you can use the official website. Therefore, i will explain here about the process of checking the result by official website.



At first you must have to a device with internet connection. Like Smartphone,Computer,Laptop etc.

Then you have to visit the official website ……

Here you will get a page where you will some option like Roll Number, Reg Number etc.

Now you have to fill up the from with right information. If you put wrong information , you will not get your result.

Then you have to put the right CAPTCHA code.

At last you must click the submit bottom.

Finally you will get your result.

Mymensingh Board Result Through alternative website

On the result publish day , the official website server will go down due to huge traffic. At this moment our students will disappoint. Because they will want to know their result with any cost. In this situation there is an alternative way to see the result. So you can use it to see the result.

  • At first you must have to a device with internet connection. Like Smartphone,Computer,Laptop etc.
  • Then you have to visit the official website ……
  • Here you will get a page where you will some option like Roll Number, Reg Number etc.
  • Now you have to fill up the from with right information. If you put wrong information , you will not get your result.
  • Then you have to put the right captcha code.
  • At last you must click the submit bottom.
  • Finally you will get your result.

02. Offline Process

It is an easy method. A person can easily check his own result through offline. So, you can see your ssc result 2023 by SMS. If you do not know the process, see below i give the instructions.

  1. Firstly you need Mobile Phone .
  2. Open the mobile and go to mobile message option.
  3. Here type a message in this format like SSC<space> MYM<space>ROLL NO<space>2023.
  4. Finally send this sms to 16222 number. For example : SSC MYM12345678 2023 and send it to 16222 number.

Note : You have to paid 2.30 taka for this SMS.

Mymensingh Board SSC Result With Marksheet

A Marksheet is very important for a student. A student can see his performance through a marksheet. So, you must need a marksheet to see your performance in SSC Exam. If you have no idea about how to download the marksheet, I can help you. Therefore lets talk about this.


  • At first open a internet browser and type in the address bar of your browser.
  • Then you have to select SSC/Dakhil from the examination option.
  • Now you must Select your exam year as 2023 from the Year option.
  • Then Type your Roll and Registration number correctly in the next two options.
  • Now Solve a easy security math and put it to the blank box.
  • Finally click on the Submit button. I think the result is in front of you.

You can get your GPA from here. These were two online system of getting SSC Result.

Mymensingh Board Result Grading System

When you will get your result, you must want to know how to create GPA. If you have no idea, i can help you. Please see the picture to get a fresh idea about grading system.

grading-systemI think you have seen the picture. In the picture i give the SSC Grading system. Now i will explain it. The picture shows that if any student get less than 33 marks ,he will fail in the exam. When a student will get 33 to 40 marks, he/she will get D Grade.

Mymensingh Board SSC  Vocational Result 2023

SSC Vocational Exam was held on 3 February and it finished on 5 March 2023. The exam has taken under technical board. Since the exam routine was same, the exam publish date would be same. A large number of canndidates were participated SSC Vocational Exam under Mymensingh Board. So, all of them are eagerly waiting for their result. Here i come to you with a good news. The good news is SSC Vocational Result 2023 under technical board exam result will publish on 6 March,2023. On this date candidates will able to check the result.

Mymensingh Board Vocational Result Through Online

Candidates can check his result by using online. If you have no idea about how to check the result, follow my instructions. I think you can check your result by following my instruction.

There are two official website of Education Board. So, you can use both of them. In this post i will discuss both website result method.

Through First Server

You can use this server to check your result. So, follow my instructions.

  • Firstly you must go to Website
  • Then you have to  select  SSC/HSC/JSC/Equivalent Result
  • Now Choose Your Examination Type (SSC/Dakhil/Equivalent)
  • Then you must Select Your Exam Year (2023)
  • Further Choose Your Board Name (Technical)
  • Now Choose your  Result Type (Individual Result)
  • Type Your Roll Number, Your Registration Number
  • Then fill the right security key
  • Finally Click Get Result Button and Get Your SSC Vocational Result With Full Mark-sheet.


BTEB SSC Result Through SMS

You can see your result without internet. Yes, there is an another way to get the result. Candidates can check their result by using SMS. If you have no idea, you can read the post carefully.

  • At First Go to your mobile Message option
  • Then type SSC TEC SSC ROLL 2023
  • Now send the SMS to 16222 Number
  • Finally you will get your result in reply.



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