40th BCS MCQ Result
Preliminary Exam Result – 40th BCS preliminary exam was held on 03 May 2023. The exam was held simultaneously in all district centers. But the 40th BCS preliminary result is not publish yet. So the exam candidates of 40th BCS are eagerly waiting to know the result publish date. BPSC does not declare the exact result date of 40th BCS preli.
40th BCS MCQ Result 2023
All of you know that “40th BCS preliminary result 2023” is now the hot topic for 40th BCS candidates. So keeping in mind your requirements, I am writing this article about 40th bcs preli result. In this article we will help you to know, when will publish 40th BCS result, how to get 40th BCS preliminary result, how many candidates appeared in the 40th BCS examination, 40th BCS written exam date and also other important information about 40th BCS.
40th BCS Preliminary Exam Result 2023
First of all, we inform you that there are some ways to get 40th BCS preliminary result. Here we try to help you to get the result easily. some days ago the preliminary examination held. as a result it is now waiting time for 40th bcs mcq exam result. The preliminary test of the 40th Bangladesh Civil Service (BCS) examination was held on May 3, 2023.
The two-hour test held from 10am to 12pm. On September 11, 2018. the BPSC published a circular for the 40th BCS for appointments to 1,903 first-class government jobs, including 200 cadres in administration, 72 in police and 465 ordinary cadets. So it is very important to know about 40th bcs.
40th BCS Preliminary Result 2023 Publish date
All of you want to know that when will publish 40th BCS mcq exam result. The authority of BCS called BPSC (Bangladesh Public Service Commission) has not declare the exact date of the preliminary result. But we hope the result of 40th BCS will publish on 10th June, 2023. By some official source we got to know that all process of 40th BCS MCQ result completed, after some days the result will publish.
It has a little possibility to publish 40th BCS MCQ Result on 10th june, 2023. Result may be published shortly before or after the possible date. So don’t worry, you can get all the update information here.
How to check 40th BCS Preliminary Result 2023 ?
Bangladesh Public Service Commission(BPSC) will publish the 40th BCS preliminary Result. In their Official website, they publish BCS Preliminary Result. Their Official website are http://www.bpsc.gov.bd/ and http://bpsc.teletalk.com.bd/ You can get the result from our website https://notunsokaal.com/. When BPSC publish 40th BCS MCQ result at a time will publish the result in our website.
Check 40th BCS MCQ Result 2023 by mobile sms
Just sending a mobile sms you can get your 40 BCS MCQ Result. To get the result by sms type the message according to the system we provide here. Type, PSC [space]40[space] Registration Number and the message to 16222 number.
How many Candidates Participated in 40th BCS Preliminary Exam 2023 ?
BCS is the common target for a bright student. So it is a hard contest among the participant. for 1903 vacant posts about 4,10,963 candidates have applied for 40th BCS preliminary examination. Among the appeared candidates, 3,27,525 candidates took part in the preliminary examination. A total of 83,438 examines remained absent from the 40th BCS preliminary test.
So You know, all of them can’t join in the written exam. In 38th BCS, 16,286 candidates pass out of 2,88,899 candidates. After the preliminary result the a question will come to us and it is, how many candidate will be selected for written examination. So it is to be seen that in 40th BCS, BPSC may select 15000-20000 candidates out of 3,27,525 for written exam.
40th BCS Preliminary Exam result 2023 PDF Download
In the result date, BPSC publish the BCS result as a pdf format. In this pdf, you can see all the selected candidates list in a file. So dear, stay with us for downloading the result as PDF. When BPSC will publish 40th BCS MCQ result pdf at a time we will publish that pdf file here.
PDF(portable document format) download is very easy way to get 40th bcs preliminary result. After publishing the result you can download pdf file of 40th bcs mcq result. Best of luck for the written exam. Check HSC Result Marksheet & HSC Result 2023 and also