masters final year result 2023 – masters final year result 2023, national university masters result 2023, masters result 2023 session 2017 18, national university masters result 2023.
Masters Final Year Result 2023
National University Masters Final Year Exam Result 2023 (session-2019) has been published. Today NU Masters Final Year Result 2023 has published at 05:00 PM by National University authority. Therefore This result is now visible in the official website of national university and our website
Total 1,38,669 candidates from 157 colleges across the country participated in 30 subjects in the Master’s Exam. The Examination was conducted simultaneously in 114 centers. This year a total amount of 1,05455 students have passed among the 1,38,669 students. Therefore the passing percentage is 76.05%.
Masters Result Marksheet
if you want to download Masters marksheet, then this article is only for you. Thrre is very easy method for them who use internet enable device. For this you have follow some instruction we provide below. So open your internet connection and Go to the official website of national university as
Then select master and final year in the left corner
After that input your roll, registration number and exam year correctly
Solve the capcha code carefully
Then click the ‘Search Result’ button
The result is in front of you……
Masters Final year Result by Mobile SMS
Mobile sms is a very easy process in this time. All the masters students can get there result by sending a mobile sms. For this you have to type a sms in your mobile phone and have to send it to 16222 number. The sms format is below
NU<space>MF<space>ROLL and send it to 16222
Example : NU MF 987654321 Send it to 16222
If you need to check the result immediately then check our website regularly. Therefore we always provide all the effective and essential information about the current exam result notice. I think this is great website for the students. We also give our visitors all types of educational supports by providing exam result, question solution, exam routine, exam suggestion and all types’ educational notice in our website So for the education and job news you can visit our website every day.