SSC English 2nd Paper Suggestion

SSC English 2nd Paper Suggestion 2023 English 2nd Part {Common}

ssc english suggestion 2023 2nd paper – In our previous post we helped you serving ssc English 1st paper suggestion. Today we come to you with ssc English second paper suggestion for the exam candidate of 2023. So stay with us and read this suggestions attentively.

SSC English 2nd Paper Suggestion 2023

In a few days English examination is going to sit. English is a compulsory subjects in Secondary School Certificate examinations. Science, Arts and Commerce all division have to take this subjects. So it is very important and essential subjects. English has two parts called First paper and second paper. Here is the common 2nd paper suggestions for you.

Suggestion for S.S.C. Examination – 2023
English Second Paper

The success of students on this part depends on their proper practice of grammatical points. students are suggested to solve the test questions of different boards and renowned schools from the paper as practice. They should also learn the grammatical rules in this respect.

SSC English Final Exam Suggestion

Part-B (Composition)
CV Writing:

  1. *** You want to apply for the post of a computer operator. Now make a CV with cover letter for the post. Your CV should not exceed one page.
  2. *** Suppose you are Zahid / Zara and you have passed the HSC. Exam. You have seen a vacancy ad. for the position of a receptionist in a hotel. Now make a CV with a cover letter for the post.
  3. *** Suppose you are Zahid / Zara and you are looking for a job. You want to apply for a post of an assistant teacher. Now write a C.V. with a cover letter for the post of an assistant teacher. Your C.V. should not exceed one page.
  4. ** Suppose you are Ruhan / Rahima and you have passed the SSC Exam. You have seen the vacancy advertisement for the post of an assistant mobile operator in a mobile phone company. Now make a CV with a cover letter for the post.
  5. ** Suppose you are Zahid / Zara and you have passed the HSC. Exam.and looking for a job. You have seen the vacancy advertisement for the post of an office assistant in “The Daily Star” in a private company. Now make a CV with a cover letter for the post.
  6. * You want to apply for a job of an assistant librarian in a school. Now make a CV with cover letter for the post. Your CV should not exceed one page.

SSC English 2nd Paper Final Suggestion

Formal Letter / Application:

  1. *** An application for expanding library facilities*** / common room facilities. ***
  2. *** An application for arranging a debating/computer club**/ to go to a study tour.***
  3. *** An application for a seat in the school hostel*** /T.C** / financial help. ***
  4. ** An application for changing elective subject* / full free studentship. **
  5. ** An application for relief for the flood affected people.
  6. * An application for sinking tube-well / Post office / repairing road / bridge.


  1. *** Life of a street hawker / farmer / rickshaw puller / day labourer
  2. *** Your visit to a book fair
  3. *** A tea stall
  4. *** Your school library
  5. *** A winter morning
  6. ** The 21st February / International mother language day
  7. * The National Flag
  8. * Your favourite hobby / Use and abuse of mobile phone


  1. *** Student life / Duty of a student
  2. *** The game / season you like most
  3. *** A journey by train / boat
  4. *** Your future plan / aim in life
  5. ** Science in everyday life
  6. ** Tree plantation
  7. ** Recent flood in Bangladesh
  8. ** Population Problem
  9. * Uses of computer / Reading newspaper
  10. * Childhood Memories

Importance of This English 2nd Part Suggestions

We want to do a good figure in our SSC exam. Only written exam cannot give you a good result. To make a good result in no need MCQ exam good. Actually it will give you much advantage. As a result you can easily make a good result. At first I want to tell you that English has no MCQ. 

You must be careful when you answered English questions. Answer all the question is very important reason for a student. It has a student to get a good result in the exam. Education board has taken different type of exam. SSC exam is one of them. According to previous year servey we see that education board changed some policy. You know that nowadays mcq exam will take at first. But it started 1 year ago. Before approved this exam policy written exam will take at first. There was a reason for this change. Our government want to stop question out. It thinks with this policy they can stop question out.

In conclusion, we want to say you that we try our best to decorate this SSC English 2nd paper suggestion in short and include some important questions. We think Students can get better preparation in English Second paper by this suggestions.

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